geometry1 section
(too old to reply)
Chris Roth
2003-09-12 09:42:19 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean by Point? Page.AddGuide(type,x,y)?

You could simply use Page.DrawRectangle and change the 1st Geometry section
in the resulting shape.


To add a geometry section to a shape, try the following code:
'Actual code for adding a second geometry section:

shp.AddSection visSectionLastComponent
shp.AddRow visSectionFirstComponent + 1, visRowFirst, visTagComponent
shp.AddRow visSectionFirstComponent + 1, visRowFirst + 1, visTagMoveTo
shp.AddRow visSectionFirstComponent + 1, visRowFirst + 2, visTagLineTo

This will add a new geometry section with two rows, a MoveTo and a LineTo
Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP


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"Andreas Suess" <***@khe.siemens.de> wrote in message news:022901c378fe$3ab802b0$***@phx.gbl...
how can I add a Geometry1 Section to a Point that is
created with VBA ?

kind regards
Andreas süß
2014-09-11 16:16:40 UTC
Hi Chris
Thank you for your post.
Could you please describe how we can set X and Y of the line in you sample?
Post by Chris Roth
I'm not sure what you mean by Point? Page.AddGuide(type,x,y)?
You could simply use Page.DrawRectangle and change the 1st Geometry section
in the resulting shape.
shp.AddSection visSectionLastComponent
shp.AddRow visSectionFirstComponent + 1, visRowFirst, visTagComponent
shp.AddRow visSectionFirstComponent + 1, visRowFirst + 1, visTagMoveTo
shp.AddRow visSectionFirstComponent + 1, visRowFirst + 2, visTagLineTo
This will add a new geometry section with two rows, a MoveTo and a LineTo
Hope this helps,
Chris Roth
Visio MVP
Need stencils or ideas? http://www.mvps.org/visio/3rdparty.htm
Need VBA examples? http://www.mvps.org/visio/VBA.htm
Common Visio Questions http://www.mvps.org/visio/common_questions.htm
how can I add a Geometry1 Section to a Point that is
created with VBA ?
kind regards
Andreas süß
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